AIMBAT: A Python/Matplotlib Tool for Measuring Teleseismic Arrival Times

Xiaoting Lou, Suzan van der Lee, and Simon Lloyd (2013), Seismol. Res. Lett., 84(1), 85-93, doi:10.1785/0220120033. Click here for pdf reprint.

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Latest Development Version:

AIMBAT is released as a sub-packages of pysmo in the name of pysmo.aimbat along with another sub-package pysmo.sac which is for SAC files access and manipulation. Latest development version is updated at GitHub:

with documentation:

Last Stable Version:

pysmo-sac-0.5.tar.gz           updated on 09/20/2012

pysmo-aimbat-0.1.2.tar.gz   updated on 12/19/2012

aimbat-0.1.1-manual.pdf      updated on 10/01/2012

Previous Versions:

pysmo-aimbat-0.1.tar.gz      updated on 09/19/2012

pysmo-aimbat-0.1.1.tar.gz   updated on 09/27/2012


AIMBAT (Automated and Interactive Measurement of Body-wave Arrival Times) is an open-source software package for efficiently measuring teleseismic body wave arrival times for large seismic arrays (Lou et al., 2013). It is based on a widely used method called MCCC (multi-channel cross-correlation) developed by VanDecar and Crosson (1990). The package is automated in the sense of initially aligning seismograms for MCCC which is achieved by an ICCS (iterative cross-correlation and stack) algorithm. Meanwhile, a GUI (graphical user interface) is built to perform seismogram quality control interactively. Therefore, user processing time is reduced while valuable input from a user’s expertise is retained. As a byproduct, SAC (Goldstein et al., 2003) plotting and phase picking functionalities are replicated and enhanced.


AIMBAT is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3) as published by the Free Software Foundation (


* Install the dependent packages: Python, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib

* Download the latest release of pysmo.sac and pysmo.aimbat and decompress:

        tar zxvf pysmo-sac-0.5.tar.gz

        tar zxvf pysmo-aimbat-0.1.2.tar.gz

* In the directory pysmo-sac-0.5, install pysmo.sac to the Python <site-packages> directory:

        python build

        python install

* In the directory pysmo-aimbat-0.1.2, install pysmo.aimbat to the Python <site-packages> directory:

        python build --fcompiler=gfortran

        python install

* Add the directory pysmo-aimbat-0.1.2/scripts to environment variable $PATH