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Stacy Montgomery

PhD Candidate

B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018
Curriculum Vitae


My area of research is in air quality, specifically, on the remote sensing and modeling of pollution in urban areas. I am particularly interested in the interaction of climate and air quality, and how humans influence both of these systems through anthropogenic activities like energy production and vehicle use.


Recipient of the Air & Waste Management Association Lake Michigan States Section (A&WMA-LMSS) Stephen H. Rothblatt Scholarship

Recipient of the Integrated Data-Driver Discovery in Earth and Astrophysical Sciences (IDEAS) NSF fellowship for 2019-2020

Selected Publications

Anastasia Montgomery, Tracey Holloway, “Assessing the relationship between satellite-derived NO2 and economic growth over the 100 most populous global cities,” J. Appl. Remote Sens. 12(4), 042607 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.12.042607.