Allegra Tashjian
PhD Candidate
B.A., Geology, Carleton College, 2020
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae

I use techniques from radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry and aqueous geochemistry to study Earth surface processes, with emphases on enhanced rock weathering (ERW), climate change, and carbonate chemistry.
In my ongoing work, I use leachate and soil samples from a greenhouse mesocosm experiment to explore carbon transformations during ERW. My novel experimental design allows us to probe the individual and combined effects of several important factors, including nitrogen fertilizer application and air temperature. Additionally, I am investigating changes to marine geochemistry across the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg; ~65.5 Ma) boundary. This project aims to understand how Deccan volcanism and the bolide impact affected the marine carbonate system during this mass extinction event.
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program – Honorable Mention | Apr. 2024
- Mac Hyde Brownfield Scholarship Recipient, Minnesota Brownfields ($2,000) | Oct. 2019
Rich, R., Mueller, P., Fuss, M., Goncalves, S., Ostertag, E., Reents, S., Tang, H., Tashjian, A., Thomson, S. Jensen, K. and Nolte, S., 2023, Design and assessment of a novel approach for ecosystem warming experiments in high-energy tidal wetlands: JGR Biogeosciences, v. 128(11), doi: 10.1029/2023JG007550.
- “Examining the Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Warming on Soil Redox Potential in a Maryland, USA Tidal Wetland” Geological Society of America North Central Section Meeting (Virtual), May 2020
conference Presentations
- Tashjian, A., Rich, R., Jensen, K., and Nolte, S., 2022, Design and Assessment of Marsh Ecosystem Response to Increase Temperature (MERIT): an ecosystem warming experiment in a high-energy tidal wetland: Abstract GC42J-0832 presented at 2022 Fall Meeting, AGU, Chicago, IL, 12-16 December.
- Tashjian, A., Noyce, G., and Megonigal, J.P., 2020, Examining the Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Warming on Soil Redox Potential: Abstract 13-1 presented at Geological Society of America North Central Section Meeting, 54th, Virtual, 18-19 May.